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This is what we do:

run workshops to get you clarity and focus

Design Sprint, Business Model Canvas and various Agile workshops are among our best-sellers. But to get you the clarity and focus you seek, we also create custom workshops, tailored to your specific needs.

Design Sprint 2.0

Solve big problems and test new ideas in just one week. Based on the book by Jake Knapp, improved by AJ&Smart. We facilitate Design Sprint 2.0. Because it’s faster and better.

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Culture eats strategy for breakfast. 23plusone gives you great insights in your company’s DNA. Who you are and who you want to be.

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Agile Portfolio Management

This is a great sequel to agile for teams. After improving team performance, one by one. We dive into portfolio mangement, to optimize the value delivery pipeline.

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Business Model Canvas

Get great clarity on the value you (can) deliver and to whom.

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Agile Scrum for Teams

Do twice the work in half the time. Based on the work of Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber. We help you implement the agile way of working using Scrum. And our workshops are specifically designed for non-IT.

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Agile Scrum Coaching

Agile Scrum is easy to learn but difficult to master. So we’ve got your back, and offer Agile coaching. 

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Customer Journeys

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